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Exasperated by your Customer Relationship Management?

Discover MYOB Advanced, a premier ERP system meticulously crafted to alleviate the complexities of business management.

Disjointed Customer Data

Are you struggling to find accurate and up-to-date customer information across different platforms?

Image by Icons8 Team

CRM systems often struggles with fragmented customer data stored across different platforms, leading to inefficiencies and inaccuracies in customer interactions.

MYOB Advanced ensures all customer interactions and information are captured and updated in real-time for a comprehensive view of customer relationships.

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MYOB Advanced integrates CRM functionality with other business processes, such as:

  • CRM analytics

  • Quoting

  • Sales

  • Inventory management 

  • Specific customer pricing and discount structures 

  • Marketing 

  • Finance

to provide a centralised platform to manage customer data.

Limited Insight into Customer Behaviour

Do you want deeper insights into your customers’ preferences and buying behaviour to tailor your marketing and sales efforts more effectively to drive growth?

CRM systems may lack advanced analytics capabilities to provide deep insights into customer behaviour and preferences, hindering targeted marketing and sales efforts.

Image by Júnior Ferreira

MYOB Advanced contains advanced analytics and reporting tool to allow businesses to analyse customer data, track purchase patterns and identify trends in customer behaviour.

Understanding trends and insights allows for more personalised marketing campaigns, targeted sales strategies and improved customer retention.

Manual Data Entry and Duplication

Do you experience frustrations with manual date entry and duplication leading to inaccuracies?

Image by Mika Baumeister

Manual data entry and duplication errors are common challenges in CRM systems, leading to inaccuracies and inefficiencies in customer data management.

Image by Choong Deng Xiang

MYOB Advanced automates data entry and eliminates duplication errors through integration with other business systems, such as accounting and inventory management. This streamlines data capture and ensures consistency, saves time and reduces errors.

Inefficient Communication

Do you find it challenging to communicate effectively with your team about customer inquiries or requests and consequently miss opportunities?

Ineffective communication channels within CRM systems can result in missed opportunities and delayed responses to customer inquiries or requests.

MYOB Advanced offers robust communication tools to facilitate seamless communication and collaboration among sales teams, customer service representatives and other stakeholders.

By ensuring timely response to customer inquiries, your business will enhances overall customer satisfaction.

Lack of Scalability

Are you concerned your current CRM system may not keep up with business growth and evolving needs, potentially causing performance issues and limitations in functionality?

CRM systems may struggle to scale with growing business needs, which results in performance issues and limitations in functionality.

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MYOB Advanced is a cloud-based ERP system designed to scale with growing businesses. It contains flexible design to allow businesses to customise as needed to accommodate changes in business processes and scaling operations seamlessly.

Poor Customer Service

Do you struggle to deliver consistent and high quality customer service as a result of long response times, lack of follow-up and inconsistency?

Inadequate CRM systems can lead to poor customer service experiences, including long response times, lack of follow-up and inconsistent service quality.

Image by J. Balla Photography

MYOB Advanced includes customer service management features that streamline service processes, automate workflows, and enable proactive customer engagement.

This ensures timely response to customer inquiries, efficient resolution of issues and consistent service delivery across channels.

Poor Communication Channels

Frustrated by costly mistakes and delays as a result of miscommunication within your business?

Ineffective communication channels and siloed information and hinder collaboration among team members, stakeholders and project managers, which leads to misunderstanding, delays and errors.

MYOB Advanced facilitates collaboration and communication among team members and stakeholders. 

Project portals, document management and communication tools enable seamless communication and sharing across the entire company.

MYOB Advanced Business: A CRM System

MYOB Advanced Business is built, developed and supported in Australia and New Zealand, with over 1000 midmarket businesses across a range of industries using MYOB Advanced Business to manage their business. Industries such as manufacturing, construction, wholesale/distribution, retail, professional services, and healthcare are supported by MYOB Advanced Business. Businesses who have either outgrown their accounting software due to ongoing growth or who would like to move from desktop ERP, all look to MYOB Advanced Business as the next step.

With MYOB Advanced Business, you can manage your business with ease anywhere, anytime on any device. For businesses who rely on spreadsheets or multiple systems to run their business, lack visibility over critical insights and time is wasted on manual data entry – MYOB Advanced Business is the cloud ERP platform that centralises your data in one place. This means you have one source of truth, you can access real-time accurate insights across your entire business and automate manual tasks saving your team valuable time.

MYOB Advanced Business also offers robust CRM capabilities, allowing businesses to strengthen customer relationships and drive growth. With features tailored to customer relationship management, including lead tracking, sales pipeline management, and customer service automation, MYOB Advanced Business helps businesses deliver exceptional customer experiences and boost profitability. Empower your team with the tools they need to succeed, and watch your business thrive with MYOB Advanced Business.

MYOB Advanced Key Features

Image by Andy Hermawan

Unlock a new level of efficiency, accuracy and control with MYOB Advanced

Check out the free demo to discover how MYOB Advanced can transform your CRM challenges into seamlessly automated processes.

Ready to take control of your CRM challenges and stop the headache?

We’ve got you!

Fill in the form and one of our ERP consultants will get in touch to discuss how MYOB Advanced can streamline your CRM processes and help you achieve your business goals.

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